I am a resident of the harbour city of Sydney … no, I’m not talking about Sydney, Nova Scotia – or even Sydney, North Dakota (which doesn’t possess a great harbour, it must be said!). I’m talking about that obscure, little speck of a metropolis on the Western Pacific map, the principal port in the state that bears the geographically-confusing name of New South Wales!
My Blog will explore some of the interests I have in subjects such as travel, bushwalking, history, international relations, politics, media and cinema, gender and race, literature and language, sport (I am particularly interested in the intersection of sport and politics), society and culture, higher education, the built environment and creative writing, and will probably add to the topic list over time as new things tap my curiosity.
Kemo Palofax
(A joint project of UotW, UCA and PGTA — the University of the Warrumbungles, the University of Central Australia and the Pine Gap Tourism Association)
Hi. Thank you for your blog. My name is Debbie Robson and I am researching Bridge Street. Just trying to work out what happened to the palm trees in Bridge Street. I have a photo showing them looking fairly new but have no idea when they were removed. Any help would be appreciated.
Hello Debbie – I guess you’re referring to the large palms (in the blog photo) next to the old Burns, Philip Bldg. I have no idea but I imagine those ones went when the council widened the road for motorised traffic. I suggest you ask Sydney City Archives. Go to https://archives.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/pages/contact — where you can leave an enquiry about the fate of the palm trees or email the Archives office at archives@cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au Regards,
Hi, I actually noticed that you used a photo in your entry on GANEFO that comes from my article of the GANEFO published in the Journal of Sport History, but you have not credited the article nor me. I’d appreciate a reference, especially considering some of the other info seems lifted from my article without attribution (though you’ve dutifully referenced other peoples’ work). The photo is not the copyright of that Journal; it’s from my own collection of materials (a 1964 album of the event is the original source).
Don’t know how that oversight happened – sorry! I have now rectified the omission, crediting you for the photo and have referenced your GANEFO article in the text. Once again apologies.
Hi, I like your site. Just a few things you should change in your Homebush Bay article. Correct in a latter comment that Homebush Racecourse was not the first in Sydney. There was Hyde Park (1810 to 1820’s), then another where Syd Uni is now (1820’s) . Even Randwick pre-dates the Homebush Course (1830’s) however called “the Sandy Track”, it was not popular at first. Homebush Track opened in 1841. Homebush was a “downs course” (undulating, not flat) and was the favourite course until Randwick was heavily modified around 1860. After the AJC moved to Randwick, the Homebush Course also upgraded and still held major races into the 1870’s and still being used for athletics in the late 1880’s. It was never turned into Market Gardens. That bit is incorrect. It became ‘resting paddocks’ for the Homebush Abattoirs around 1910. Also, Darcy Wentworth didn’t name Homebush. He acquired the land from Quartermaster Thomas Laycock and simply retained Laycock’s name of the farm (Home Bush). Wentworth added more land to Homebush yet didn’t name it. It wasn’t a Village. It was simply a farm estate. As well, did you say Bicentennial Park was part of the Olympic re-development ? Nope. the Park was opened in January 1988 and pre-dates other work involved in the Olympics by a number of years. Anyway besides pointing out these bits, I enjoy your website and Best Wishes. , Dave at Homebush
Hi Dave,
Thanks for your detailed local knowledge of the area, pointers & corrections.
I think some of the things about the association of Homebush with Randwick I got from the information board near the children’s playground on the Common, so they may have been inadequately researched by the Council. You are right Hyde Park unquestionably predates other claimants for 1st racecourse in Sydney (didn’t know about there being another course on Sydney U land from 1820s – interesting!)
Thanks for clarifying the nature of the type of racecourse, a Downs course, not flat, very different! I wondered on occasions when visiting Wentworth Common about the dirt track that runs down towards the Archery Centre & then loops around the marker mound, if that had been a racetrack at any point(?)
Yes I did read it somewhere else too – Thomas Laycock (not WC Wentworth) for genesis of the name “Home Bush”. I’m not sure if I did indicate that Bicentennial Park was part of the Olympic project, but if I did, this is clearly not right, the Park being to do with what happened in 1988, not 2000.
Thanks again for the information, & for your interest in my blog – I will make some amendments to the piece.
Hi, Thanks for your reply. Homebush Racecourse was opposite the old Ford Factory and extending down to what is now the front of Bicentennial Park. Basically behind the Wentworth Hotel.The original track ran next to the small watercourse called Boundary Creek. Yet in the 1860’s they moved the course in an attempt to flatten it out. This was achieved by building an earthen bridge 200 metres long and 20 metres wide over the top of the creek that the horses raced over. This earth bridge was filled further to create the Olympic Park Golf Driving Range, now re-developed as a playing field. Boundary Creek has been diverted around the side of it. The main racecourse straight basically followed Sarah Durack .Avenue. The grandstand was also along this straight. Cheers, Dave