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“E” Words from Left Field II – Redux: A Supplement to the Logolept’s Diet

<word definition and root formation>

Ebriose: drunk; intoxicated [L. from ēbriōsum] (cf. Ebrious: slightly drunk) 🥃 🍸

Ecclesiarch: church ruler (-y: government ruled by clerics) [L. ecclesiarcha, from Gk.]

Ecclesiarch (source: deviantart.com)

Ecmnesia: a form of amnesia in which the patient retains memories of older events but not of recent ones [Gk. ek (“out”) + -mnesis (“memory”)] 🤔

Ectorhinal: pertaining to the exterior of the nose; organ associated with sense of smell [Gk. from ektós (“outside”) + –rhin, -rhinós (“outside”) + -al]

Eldritch: weird, sinister or hideous; ghostly, otherworldly; uncanny [originally from Scot. perhaps rel. to “elf”]

Eldritch town? (source: patheos.com)

Embonpoint: plumpness [Fr. en bon point (“in good shape”)]

Emolument: “salary”; “profit” [from L. emolumentum (“advantage”) from emolere, (“to produce by grinding”) (prob. originally a payment to a miller for grinded corn) 🌽 💰

Empressment: extreme politeness [from L. imperatrix (“emperor”) + MidEng. -ment]

Encephalalgia: headache [Gk. enkephalos, (“brain”) + -algos, (“pain”)]

Enchiridion: handbook; a book containing essential information on a subject [Gk. enkheirídion, from en, (“in”) + –kheír, (“hand”) — from ‘The Enchiridion of Epictetus’ by Arrian (2nd cent. AD]

Enchiridion (source: amazon.com.au)

Endophasia: inaudible speech; inner speech [Gk. éndon, (“inner”; “internal”) + –phēmí, (“I say”)] (cf. Exophasia: audible speech)

Engastrimyth: ventriloquist [MidFr. engastrimythe, from Gk. engastrimythos, from en (“in”) + -gastr- + -mythos (“speech”)]

Engastrimyth (photo: XiXinXing, Shutterstock)

Entopic: (Anat.) in the normal position (opposite of Ectopic) [Gk. en, (“within”), + –topos, (“place”)]

Ephebic: of a youth just entering manhood, esp in ancient Greek in the context of males aged 18-20 in military training [Gk. éphēbos (“adolescent”), from epí, (“early”) +‎ –hḗbē, (“manhood”)]

Ephebic (source: Eagles and Dragons Publishing)

Epicene: effeminate; unmanly; exhibiting the characteristics of both sexes, or of neither (sexless); lacking gender distinction [Gk. epíkoinos, (“common to many people”) (cf. génos epíkoinon, (“common gender”) from epi-, (“on, upon; on top of; all over)+ -koinós (“common”; “general”; “public”) (ultimately from Proto-Indo-European ḱóm (“beside, by, near, with”) + -yós]

Epigone: disciple; follower; imitator (esp one in a later generation) [Gk. epígonos, (“offspring”; “descendant”), from epigígnomai, (“I come after”), from  epí, (“upon”), from gígnomai, (“I become”)]

Epilegomenon: an added remark [(?) epi (“upon”) + -leg (“say”) + -menon (?)]

Epistaxis: a nosebleed [Gk. epi (“out”) + –staxis (“dripping”; “oozing”; “flowing”)] 👃🏽 🩸

Epistemolophile: someone with an abnormal preoccupation with knowledge [Gk. epistēmē, (“knowledge”; “understanding”; “skill”; “scientific knowledge”) + –philos]

Epistemolophile (source: Pinterest)

Epithymetic: pertaining to appetite, sexual and otherwise [uncertain (?) Gk. epi upon + -thym (“mood”) + -etic]

Eremic: pertaining to sandy deserts or regions [Greek erēm-, erēmo-, from erēmos (“lonely”; “solitary”) + -erēmia (“desert”), from erēmos + -ia -y]

Ereption: the act of snatching away (OU)

Erinaceous: pertaining to the hedgehog [L. ērināceus (“hedgehog”)]

Esculent: fit to be eaten ; edible [L. ēsculentus (“fit for eating”; “edible”; “delicious”; “nourishing”; “full of food”) + -ent]

Eumorphous: well-formed [Gk. eu (“good”) + -morphē (“shape”; “form] (cf. Eumoirous: lucky or happy as a result of being good)

Euneirophrenia: peace of mind after a pleasant dream [from Gk. óneiros (“dream”) + –phrēn (“diaphragm”; “mind”)]

Eunomy: state of orderliness and good rule [Gk. (“well”; “good”) + -nómos (“law”; “custom”)]

Eutrapelia: the quality of being skilled in conversation; with; urbanity [Gk. eutrapeliawittiness“)]

Evanescent: fleeting; vanishing; impermanent [L. from ē-, ex- (“away”; “out’) + vānēscō (“to vanish”) (from vānus (“empty”; “vacant”; “void”), from Proto-Indo-European h₁weh₂- (“to abandon”; “leave”) + -ēscō]

Exallotriote: foreign (OU)

Excursus: lengthy discussion, esp appended to a book; digression [L. excursus (“excursion”)]

Exophagy: (also Exophagous) cannibalism outside the family [from Gk. éxō (“out”; “outer”; “external”) + –phagia (“to eat”)]

Exophagy (image: sapiens.org)

Exoptable: extremely desirable [L. exoptō (“to long for”) + Proto-Italic –bilis]

Expergefaction: an awakening [L. expergēfaciō from expergēfactum (“to wake up”)]

Key: OU = origin unknown

“D” Words from Left Field II: Redux. A Supplement to the Logolept’s Diet

<word definition and root formation>

Dactylonomy: counting on the fingers [Gk. dactylo- (“finger”) +‎ -nomy (“law”; “custom”)]

Dactylonomy (source: csaimages.com)

Dasypyal: having hairy buttocks [Gk. dasús, (“hairy”; “dense”) + –pugḗ, (“buttocks”)]

Dasypyal (source: istockphotos.com)

Delendum: (Pl. -da) thing to be deleted [from dēlinō, (“destroyed”; “annihilated”; “razed”)]

Desipient: silly, trifling or foolish [L. de- (“of”; “from”) + sapere (“to be wise”)]

Desuetude: state of disuse [L. de +- suescere (“to become accustomed”)]

Deuteropathy: (Medic.) secondary illness [Gk. deúteros, “second” + -pathy -páthos, (“suffering”) +‎ y]

Diasyrm: rhetorical device of damning by faint praise, a method of ridiculing or disparaging someone [Gk. (?)]

Dicacity: oral playfulness; talkativeness [From Ldicacitas, from dĭcāx (“sarcastic”; “witty”) + -ity]

Didapper: one who disappears and then bobs up again [from a merging of “dive” and “dapper”]

Didapper: disappearance and reappearance, the magician’s trick of the trade (source: clker.com)

Dilogy: ambiguous or equivocal speech or discourse; repetition of a word or phrase [Gk. dilogía (“repetition”), from dís, (“twice”) + -logia]

Dippoldism: (Psych.) the paraphilia of deriving pleasure from the implementation of any form of corporal punishment whether it be in the form of beating, whipping, or spanking of another; sexuoerotic arousal derived fron spanking or whipping school children [From Andreas Dippold, German schoolteacher convicted of inflicting abuse on children including manslaughter]

Dismissory: sending away; permit to depart [from L. dimittere (“send away”) (dismiss) + -ory]

Discalceate: barefooted [dis + from L. calceus (“a shoe”)] 👣

Diversivolent: desiring different things [L. diversi (“diverse”) + –volent-, volens, velle (“to will”; “wish”)]

Dolorifuge: that which drives away sadness, mitigates or removes grief [from L. dolere (“to grieve”) + –fugere (“flee”). Coinage modelled on centrifuge, febrifugevermifuge, etc.]

Drapetomaniac: a person with an impulse or intense desire to run away from home [Gk. drapetēs, “a runaway [slave]”) + -mania, “madness”; “frenzy”). Coinage: Dr. Samuel Adolphus Cartwright invented the term “Drapetomania” in 1851 to describe what he believed was the “psychological disorder”(sic) that caused a phenomenon of enslaved Blacks to run away from bondage before the American Civil War (masshist.org)

Drapetomania: an 1837 engraving of an escaped slave in the US

Dyslogy: censure; dispraise; uncomplimentary remarks [modelled on eulogy, Gk. dys (“badly”) + -logy]

“C” Words from Left Field II: Redux. A Supplement to the Logolept’s Diet

<word meaning and root formation>

Cabotin: ham actor; theatrical; poser (perjorative) [from Fr. cabotin (“histrionic”]

Cabotin: thespian trekker going the whole hog

Cacedoxical: heretical (cf. Cacodoxy: heterodoxy) [from Gk. kákos (“bad”) + –doxa, (“opinion” or “glory”]

Cacestogenous: caused by unfavourable home environment (OU)

Calepin: a notebook; a dictionary, esp a polyglot dictionary [It. calepino, named after Ambrogio Calepino ((15th-16th cent. author of a Latin dictionary]

Calepin: Calepino – Dictionarivm Octolingve, 1647 (source: liveauctioneers.com)

Callisteia: beauty prizes; originally a festival held by the women of the island of Lesbos, with a prize for the fairest beauty [name of the festival , named in honour of the Greek goddess of Callisto]

Callithumpian: a noisy band parade or demonstration [alteration of gallithumpian)

Cambist: one skilled in the science of financial exchange; a banker [from L. cambire (“to exchange”)]

Cambist (source: Gumpanat/Shutterstock.com)

Campestral: pertaining to or thriving in open countryside [L. from campester from campus (“field”; “plain”) + -al]

Canard: a fabricated anecdote; an unfounded sensational report; a phoney yarn; a hoax — or to put it in immediately-recognisable contemporary currency…fake news [Fr. canard (“duck”), in the sense of being a hoax] 🦆

Cancrine: reads the same backwards as forwards; palindromic [From Latin cancer (“crab”) + -īnus]

Canatory: pertaining to a singer or singing [from It. cantata from L. cantare (“to sing”) + -ory] (cf. Cantatrice: female singer) 🎤

Caprine: pertaining to a goat; goat-like [L. caprīnus,  from caper (“goat”)] 🐐

Carriwitchet: absurd, riddling question; a condundrum; a kind of hoax; pun [uncertain, possibly a humorous alteration of catechism]

Castrophenia: the belief that one’s thoughts are being stolen by one’s enemies (OU, castro- kastron-(?))

Catholicon: a universal remedy or fix; panacea [Gk. katholikós, (“universal”), from katá, “(according to”) + –hólos, “(whole”)]

Charientism: a figure of speech wherein an insult is disguised as or softened by a jest [from Gk. kharientismós]

Chimera: (also spelt Chimaera) imaginary monster; fanciful; impossible idea; a body; an unjustified fear [from Greek mythology: a fire-breathing she-monster having a lion’s head, a goat’s body, and a serpent’s tail]

Chimera (image: oldworldgods.com)

Circumforaneous: wandering from house to house, from place to place, from market to market [L. circumforāneus (“itinerant”), from circum- (“around”) + –forum (“marketplace”) + -aneus (“-aneous”)]

Claudicant: (Medic.) limping (L. claudicans from claudio (“to limp”) from claudus (“crippled”)]

Claudicant: I, Claudius?

Claviger: club-bearer; key-keeper or caretaker [L. from clavi- (“clavi”) – + -ger (“bearing, bearer”)] 🔑

Comiconomenclaturist:  a connoisseur of humorous names; a specialist in the creation of funny names [from L. comicus (“of comedy”) from Gk. komikos (“of or pertaining to comedy”) + L. nōmenclātūra nomenclature (“naming”) + -ist]

Key: OU origin unknown

“B” Words from Left Field II – Redux: A Supplement to the Logolept’s Diet

<word meaning and root formation>

Badaud: a person given to idle observation of everything, with wonder or astonishment; a credulous or gossipy idler; an urban bystander who “rubbernecks” (gawks) at some incident [Fr. from Old Occitan badau, from badar, from Medieval Latin badare (to gape”; “yawn)]

Badaud, a type in French literature (Gérard Auliac, Le Badaud sculpture)

Baffona: a woman with a slight moustache [It. from baffo (“moustache”)]

Balmaiden: a female surface miner [Cornish: bal (“mine”) + -maiden (“a young or unmarried woman”)]

Balmaiden: (Cornwall, Eng. 1890)

Balistarius: a crossbowman [Gk. ballístra from bállō, (“I throw) + -ius]

Balletomane: a person fanatically devoted to ballet; balletmaniac [from Fr. balletomane]

Balletomane: Billy Elliot (film)

Balneal: pertaining to bathing or baths [Lbalneum (“bath”) + -al, -ary] (cf. Balneotherapy: treatment using natural water)

Balneal: Roman Baths, UK (photo: romanbaths.co.uk)

Banausic: common, ordinary, mundane, undistinguished, dull, insipid [Gk. banausikós, (“of or for mechanics), from bánausos, (“mechanical; ironsmith)]

Bandobast: protection of a person, building or organisation from crime or attack [Pers. band-o-bast (“tying and binding”), from Urdu. bundobast]

Baryecoia: dullness of hearing; deafness (OU)

Basial: pertaining to kissing (OU) 💋

Battue: the driving of game towards hunters by beaters; massacre of helpless people [Frbattue, (“beaten”), from L. battere]

Biverbal: relating to two words; punning [L. bi (“two”) + from LateL. -verbālis (belonging to a word”)]

Brachiation: the act of swinging from tree limb to tree limb (as performed by primates) [L. bracchium, (“arm) + -tion] 🐵

Breedbate: someone looking for an argument; originator of quarrels [Breed from OldEngbrēdan, from Proto-Germ. brōdijaną (to brood) + MidEngbate (contention), from OldFrbatre (Frbattre), from Lbattere.]

Byrthynsak: the theft of a calf or a sheep; stealing as much as you can carry (OU)

Byrthynsak (source: thekashmiriyat.co.uk/)

Key: OU = origin unknown

“A” Words from Left Field II: Redux. A Supplement to the Logolept’s Diet

<word origin and root formation>

Abderian: pertaining to foolish or excessive laughter [from Abderian, from Abdera (town in Thrace where Democritus, the Laughing Philosopher, lived) +‎ -ian]

Abderian: Democritus, by Hendrik ter Brugghen – Heraclitus, 1628 (credit: rijksmuseum.nl)

Acapnotic: someone who doesn’t smoke; a non-smoker [Gk. a (“not”) + –capno, –kapnós (“smoke”)] 🚭

Acataleptic: incomprehensible; one who suspends judgment as a matter of principle believing certainty is impossible [Gk. akatálēptos, (“incomprehensible”), from ἀ- (a-, “not”) + –katalambánō, (“I seize”)]

Accolent: dwelling near by; neighbouring [ac + -colo (“to move”; “to revolve around” 🔜 “to sojourn”; “to dwell”) + -ent]

Aceldama: field, or scene, of bloodshed [Gk. akeldamákh (“field of blood”). Originally from Aramaic] 🩸

Acephalist: an individual who acknowledges no head or superior [Gk. aképhalos (“headless”), from ἀ- (a-, “not”) + kephalḗ (“head”) + -ist]

Acousma: ringing or buzzing noise in head; illusory auditory perception of strange nonverbal sounds [Gk. ákou(sma) (“something heard”)]

Acrologic: Of or pertaining to initials or acronyms [Fr. acrologique, from acrologie from Gk. acr (“high”; “extreme”; “tip”) + -ique (“-ic”)

Acrologic (photo: palmerandpenn.com.au)

Acronychal: occurring at nightfall [ákronux, (“nightfall”)] 🌃

Acyrology: incorrect diction; imprecise or improper use of a word [Gk. akurología), ἀ- (a-, “not”) + –kuros, (“authority”) + –logia, (“speech”)]

Adiabolist: person denying existence of the Devil [a + -diabol + -ism from French diabolique, from Latin diabolicus]

Adumbral: dark; shadowy [L. ad (“to”;”toward”) + Sp. umbral (“doorstep”; “threshold”)]

Afreet: (also spelt Ifrit) (Arabian mythology) an evil spirit or giant monster; a powerful type of demon in Islamic culture [possibly from Arab. afara, (“to rub with dust” or “to roll into dust”)]

Afreet: The ifrit Al-Malik al-Aswad (The Black King)

Agastopia: admiring a particular part of someone’s body (OU) 👁️ 👁️

Agonist: one that is engaged in a struggle (as in “antagonist”) [Gk. agōnistḗs, (“combatant”; “champion”)]

Airmonger: someone who is attracted to visionary ideas and projects; quixotic, a hopeless visionary [air + L. –mangō (“dealer”; “trader”)]

Aischrolatreia: worship of filth, dirt, smut; cult of obscenity [Gk. aischros (“shameful”; “ugly”), from aischos (“disgrace”) + -latreia (“latry”)]

Allagrugous: grim and ghastly; sour; woebegone [Scot. Gaelic. origin uncertain]

Allision: intentional collision, especially of ships [Late L.  allision-, allisio, from Latin allisus (allidere (“to strike against”) from ad- + -lidere, from laedere (“to hurt”) + -ion] 🚢 🛳️

Allochthonous: Originating in a place other than where it is found (esp in geology); foreign [Gk. állos (“other”) + –khthṓn (“earth”; “ground”)] (cf. Autochthonous: native to the place where it is found; indigenous)

Altivolent: flying high [L. altus (“high”; “deep”) +  volō (“I fly”)] ✈️

Ambisinister: unskilled or clumsy with both hands [L. ambi (“both”; “around”) + sinister (“on the left side; unfavourably located)] 🙌

Amphigean: found or occuring throughout the world; across all geographic zones [Gk. amphí, (“on both sides”) + –geō (“earth”)] 🌍

Anabiosis: return to life after seeming death; a state of suspended animation [Gk. aná (“again”) + -biōsis, from –bioun (“to live”), from -bios (“life”)]

Antibasilican: opposed to the principle of monarchy [anti (“-against”) + –basilike (“royal”; “kingly”)] 👑

Apanthropy: dislike of being in the company of other people; love of solitude [Gk. apó (“from”; “away from”) + –ánthrōpos, (“human”)]

Apanthropy (source: playground.com)

Apaetesis: a matter put aside in anger to be taken-up later (OU)

Aurulent: gold-coloured [L. aurulentus (“golden”)]

Autoangelist: one who does his own communicating [self + -angelist(?)]

Autothaumaturgist: someone who pretends to be notable or feigns an air of mystery about him or herself [Gk. auto (“self”) + –thaumaturgist (“performer of miracles; a magician”)]

Autothaumaturgist (image: comicartcommunity.com)

Key: OU = origin unknown

Note: some of the sources I have drawn on in the Redux A–Z, in addition to those previously acknowledged in the original Logolept’s Diet, include Peter Bowler, The Superior Person’s Great Big Book of Words (1996) and ‘Luciferous Logolepsy’ (arcane.org/)

A Logolept’s Diet of Obscure, Obsolete, Curious and Downright Odd “Y” Words

A Logolept’s Diet of Obscure, Obsolete, Curious and Downright Odd “Y” Words

”Y” words from the lexical womb

“Y” (pronounced the same as “why” or “wye”) is the 25th and penultimate letter of the English alphabet. “Y” appears in the Semitic alphabet as waw, which it shares with several other Latin letters, namely F, U, V and W. n the Classical Greek alphabet “upsilon” or “ypsilon” represents the letter Y. In mathematics “Y” is the 2nd unknown variable, following “X”. Y is a consonant but also can be a vowel in the articulation of certain sounds (eg, the semi-vowel “yes”).

{word} <meaning> <derivation>

Yale: (Euro. myth.) mythical animal resembling a horse (or antelope) with a tusk in combination with the the tail of an elephant (used in heraldry) [etymology uncertain but believed to be derived from the Hebrew word yael (“ibex“)]

A Pair of yales adorning St John’s College, Cambridge

Yam: (Hist.) was a postal system or supply-point route messenger system extensively used by the Great Khans; a posting-house along a road (Marco Polo: a yam was a waystation where a “large and handsome building” housed messengers and horses in “rooms furnished with fine beds” fit for a king, decorated with “rich silk” and “everything they can want.”) [Mongolian. örtöö, (“checkpoint”)]

The Yam system: described as a kind of “medieval pony express” operating within Mongolia (source: Metropolitan Museum of Art)

Yarborough: hand of cards (whist) or bridge with no card above a nine; a weak hand [Eng. from toponymic surname, from Yarburgh (Yarborough) in Lincolnshire, from OldEng.  habitational or topographic name eorðburg (“earthworks”; “fortifications”)]

A Yarborough hand (source: Science matters)

Yardland: unit of land area equal to 30 acres (¼ of a hide🄰); also called a Virgate) [MidEng. yerdlond, from yerde (“yard”; “measure”) + –lond (“land”)]

Yardland or virgate

Yare: (esp of a vessel) answering swiftly to the helm; easily handled; marked by quickness and agility; nimble; prepared [from OldEng. gearu (“ready”)]

Yarling: wailing; howling [Eng. from “yarl”, “to yarl”, a deepguttural vocal style with affected pronunciation, characteristic of male grunge and post-grunge singers of the1990s and early 2000s]

Yaud: a worn out or old horse; a workhorse (Scot. mare) [MidEng.? yald from Old Norse. jalda (“mare”) of Finno-Ugric origin, cf. “jade”] 🐴

Yealing: person of the same age as oneself (of uncertain origin)

Yellowplush: a footman [from character in Yellowplush Papers, a series of satirical sketches by William Makepeace Thackeray (1850s) (compounding of “yellow” + “plush”)]


Yegg: a burglar of safes; safecracker (origin unknown)


Yobbery: hooliganism; characteristic of the (bad) behaviour of a yob; a rowdy, disruptive youth [coined 1970s by inverting the spelling of “boy”]

Yogibogiebox: a container holding the assessories used by a spiritualist [a compound of yogi +‎ bogey +‎ box. Coined or introduced by James Joyce in Ulysses (1922)]

Yogibogiebox (Ulysses’)

Yogini female yogi [from yoga from Sanskrit. yuj (“to join or unite”)]

Yoicks:  a hunting cry used to urge hounds after a fox or other quarry; expression of surprise or excitement (origin unknown but appears related to fox-hunting) (cf. Yikes: exclamation of alarm or surprise)

Yonderly: mentally or emotionally distant; vacant or absent-minded [from “yonder” from Eng. “yon” and from Dutch. ginder (“over there”)]

Yoni: symbol representing female genitalia [Sanskrit. yoni (“female reproductive organ”; literally “the womb” or (“the source”)]

Yowndrift: snow driven by the wind (Scot. Eng.? origin uncertain)

🄰 English unit of land measurement originally intended to represent the amount of land sufficient to support a household