Tag Archives: Lexicography and dictionaries

A Logolept’s Diet of Obscure, Obsolete, Curious and Downright Odd “C” Words

“C” change?

Continuing the A–Z series of out-of-the-norm, non-mainstream quirky words…this time exploring lexical items starting with the ostentatiously curvy letter “C“, the third letter and second consonant of the modern English alphabet. “C” comes from the same letter as “G”. The Semites named it gimel. The sign is possibly adapted from an Egyptian hieroglyph for a staff sling, which may have been the meaning of the name gimel. Another possibility, contested by some classical scholars, is that it depicted a camel, the Semitic name for which was gamal. The utility of “C” extends to the Romans’ numeral system where it represents the number for “100”, “C” for century!





bad doctrine or wrong opinion

Gk caco ("bad") + -doxia ("opinion")


an anti-social person

Gk caco ("bad") + -genēs ("offspring")


a perjorative expression used  instead of a mild one

Gk caco ("bad") + -logía ("speech")


an unhappy marriage

origin unknown


one who draws with crayons and pastels✍️

L calco ("thread", "trample on") + graphe ("write")


having beautiful buttocks

Gk kallos ("beautiful") + -pūgē ("buttocks")


newspaper vendor ️ 

F origin unknown


fruit-eating    

Gk karpós ("fruit") + -phágous ("eating")


an impulse to jump from high places

Gk cata ("downward") + -ped ("ground") ⛰️ 


sheriff's deputy, esp one who makes an arrest for failure to pay a debt

OE cace ("catch") + Med L pullus (a chick")


swiftness of movement  

L celer ("speedy"; "swift")


loftiness, esp in rel. to position or standing

L celsus ("high"; "lofty")  


monk; member of religious order

Gk koinos ("common") + -bios ("life")


someone who studies crop circles, esp one who believes they are not man-made or formed by other terrestrial processes ⭕️ 

L Ceres (Roman goddess of agriculture ") + -logy ("study")


having bristles

Gk khaítē ("hair") + -phoros ("bearing")


fond of nooks & crannies

Gk chasma ("abyss"; "cleft") + phil 


divide into parts of 1,000; Millennium

Gk khilioi ("thousand")


someone who challenges the authorship of a major work, esp one who believes that the Iliad & the Odyssey were not penned by Homer ✍️ 

origin unknown


a lover of gold ⚱️

Gk chrys ("gold") + -philos ("phile")


male companion of a married woman

origin unknown


a guide for tourism information ℹ️ 

L from Cicero, agnomen of Roman orator, (2th BCE


class of the intelligentsia; group of learned & literary people

Gk klēros ("heritage")


tenseness & brevity of speech & writing; saying much in a few words

L concīsus ("cut short")


deserved & appropriate, esp a fair & fitting punishment 

L con ("altogether") + -dignus ("worthy"; "appropriate"


completely satisfactory; in good order

origin unknown


sparkling; glittering

L coruscatus ("to vibrate", "glitter")


rulership of the world; global government ️ 

Gk cosmo ("universe") -krátos ("rule"; "power")


having the same boundaries

Eng, (18th.


resembling or rel to twilight

L crepusculum ("twilight")


one who is skilled at or enjoys solving crosswords  里 

L cruci ("cross" + -verbum ("word"). Neologism, 1977)


secret government or rulership 

Gk kryptos ("hidden"; "secret")


(disease) of unknown origin

Gk kryptos ("hidden"; "secret") + genēs ("offspring")


a code or secret name 

Gk kryptos ("hidden"; "secret") + -nym ("name")


"lying down"; "reclining"

L incumbere ("lie or lean on")


pornographic books

L curiosus ("curious")


calligraphic twist or curl in the design object; decorative

Eng, (18th. "Curly" + "cue" ("pigtail")


limbs adapted to running (zool.)

Med L cursorius ("of running")


attracted to pregnant women

Gk cyeso(?)

+ -lagnia ("lust")


dog-like; canine  

Gk kyn ("dog") + oid ("resembling")


anything that attracts attention; object of interest   

Gk kunosoura (lit. "dog's tail") an association der. from the shape of the constellation Ursa Minor

Cereologist: pondering the enigma of the crop circle ⭕️

Chorizent: Not Homer!

The Cruciverbalist’s playground
Cynosure: all eyes on Ursa Minor, aka “the Little Dipper”

A Logolept’s Diet of Obscure, Obsolete, Curious and Downright Odd “B” Words

Now for plan B

The letter “B” has quite a backstory on route to its destination in the English alphabet. Its equivalent second letter in Phoenician, beth, was part of that ancient language’s alphabet more than 3000 years ago. It looked a little different, but it made the same sound as “B”/”b”. The shape of the letter resembled the floor plan of a house, and the word beth meant “house.” In Hebrew, the letter was called beth, bet or bayt which also means “house.” (‘The Letter B Once Had A Much Longer Name’, (2014), www.dictionary.com). Here’s a far from definitive selection of unusual, obscure and archaic words beginning with “B” – useful additions to the vocabulary of any budding lexiphile, logophile or verbivore out there.





a confused sound of noise

ME babble + OE -dōm ('state')


drunkard; reveller 

L bacchanalis (from the god Bacchus)


self-important official 

Persian bahādur ('brave', 'valiant')


joker; clown 

L balatrō ('jester'; 'buffoon') 嵐


an insincere benefactor (someone who promises but doesn't deliver)

Per Barmeki ('The Arabian Nights', family name)


inciting riot or violence

OF Barraterie (der from 'deceive')



Gk bathys ('deep') + kolpos ('breast')


an unfaithful spouse  

Eng (17th, Shakespeare


benign; a newly-married after being a long-time bachelor

L  bene ('good') + -dicte ('speak')


babysitter ‍

Fr berseaux ('cradle') + trix  (fem. suffix)


well-read individual: person with a wide knowledge of books  

Gk biblio ('book') + -gnōstēs ('one who knows'j


remarkable; unmistakable; sexy; voluptuous 

Eng 'bold' + 'audacious'


Stock exchange official

origin unknown


enthusiastic vigour

It 'mettle'; 'fire'; 'life'


lover of food; a "foodie"

Gk brôma ('food') + -phile ('lover')  


bad breath

Gk brômos ('stink') + nea 


wintry; of, like or pertaining to winter 略 

L brūmalīs ('relating to the winter solstice')


an eavesdropper  

origin unknown


agricultural labourer 

Afrikaans from Mid Dutch bi + ('dweller')



bearded; bearing a beard 倫‍♂️ 

L barbiger ("beard"; + -gero ('bearing')


baboon; insignificant or unskilled poet

baviaan  


bringing war

L bellum ('war') + ferō ('to bear')


talk at length in empty, pompous, inflated fashion 

Eng (19th. 'blow' (as in boasting, orig. to describe politicians)


immense in size; gigantic 

Eng (18th. novel by Jonathan Swift ✍️ 


Appendage: from Ulrika M-Luck

Bellatrix: female warrior

Bellator: male warrior

<Latin origin>


: even with the best quill in the world!

: Gulliver in Brobdingnag

Work of “The Devil”, a Reference Compendium of Unconventional Wisdom for Cynics in the Progressive Era

The World According to Bierce

Ambrose Bierce, American short story writer, man of letters, journalist and civil war (Union side) veteran, is best known for his unorthodox lexicon, The Devil’s Dictionary, a humorous, satirical and very personal take on a selection of words in the English language. The dictionary was compiled by Bierce over three decades, being initially published in instalments in various newspapers and magazines. Eventually the collection was published in book form, first as The Cynic’s Word Book in 1906 and then as The Devil’s Dictionary in 1911, two years before Bierce’s never satisfactorily-explained disappearance in Chihuahua, Mexico, where the journalist was visiting to gain first-hand experience of the Mexican Revolution.

Highly influential literary critic of the first half of the 20th century, HL Mencken, heaped lavish almost doting praise on The Devil’s Dictionary… “the true masterpiece of the one genuine wit that These States have ever seen“…”some of the most gorgeous witticisms in the English language“…”some of the most devastating epigrams ever written“. First (1911) edition of the Dictionary

~~ ~~ ~~

Cynicism and satire provide the backbones of Bierce’s provocative dictionary. So, an interesting place to start looking is how he handles these terms – the words ‘satire’, ‘cynic’ and ‘dictionary’ themselves. Despite being fully versed in the craft himself, Bierce views the practitioner of cynicism less than favourably.

Cynic: A blackguard❅ who sees things as they are, and not as they ought to be (which presumably is the definition of an optimism۞).

Satire: An obsolete kind of literary composition in which the vices and follies of the author’s enemies were expounded with imperfect tenderness.

Dictionary: A malevolent literary device for cramping the growth of a language and making it hard and inelastic.

Bierce goes on to add with tongue firmly planted in his cheek that his dictionary, however, is “a most useful work”.

But a cynic Bierce certainly is. At one point he sweepingly declares, in the blanket fashion that is his trademark, that “all are lunatics, but he who can analyze his delusions is called a philosopher” (in which case, what would Bierce have made of Freud and the “dark art” of psychotherapy!?!). This perception of the author reminds me to some extent of the distinction often made between a person with an erratic behavioural pattern who is poor (and is labelled insane), and a person with an erratic behavioural pattern who is wealthy (labelled merely eccentric).

Romance and true love falls by the wayside with Bierce’s cynic always hovering around ground level:

Love: A temporary insanity cured by marriage.

Politics is even more fertile ground for Biercian cynicism…even the highest office in the land is not spared. With characteristic directness, there is:

President: The greased pig in the field game of American politics.

Senate: A body of elderly gentlemen charged with high duties and misdemeanors.

Diplomacy: The patriotic art of lying for one’s country.

And of course, to Bierce, ‘capital’ (ie, the capital) is defined as “the seat of misgovernment”.

The contemporary power politics of the day is very entrenched in Bierce’s cynic’s consciousness:

Cannon: an instrument employed in the rectification of national boundaries.

In a similar vein Bierce gives recognition to the tradition of his nation’s imperialistic ambitions in possibly the most quoted and most acute of Bierce’s definitions:

War: God’s way of teaching Americans geography.

Bierce’s entries can go off on a tangent, often making extensive use of quotations from “eminent poets” to underscore his definitions (Father G Jape, SJ, is a much relied upon prop for Bierce). Sometimes this involves recourse to wordy anecdotes and phrases. In contrast to lengthy descriptors, some Devil’s Dictionary‘s entries are succinctly on the mark, some are absolute poetic corkers:

Absent: Peculiarly exposed to the tooth of detraction.

Erudition: Dust shaken out of a book into an empty skull.

Envy: Emulation adapted to the meanest capacity.

Fib: A lie that has not cut its teeth.

Martyr: One who moves along the line of least reluctance to a desired death.

Saint: A dead sinner revised and edited.

And even more succinctly summarised is:

Hope: Desire and expectation rolled into one.

Some of Bierce’s ‘opinions’ veiled as definitions are little more than whimsical nonsenses or clever wordplays:

Incumbent: A person of the liveliest interest to the outcumbents.

Harbor: A place where ships taking shelter from stores are exposed to the fury of the customs.

The Devil’s Dictionary dishes up irony in spades, repeatedly turning the mirror back on the reader:

Bigot: One who is obstinately and zealously attached to an opinion that you do not entertain.

Bierce’s lexicon is strewn with idiosyncratic elements, one is a recurring motif of robbers and theft, regularly he describes a situation where someone’s hands are in someone else’s pockets:

Alliance: In international politics, the union of two thieves who have their hands so deeply inserted in each other’s pocket that they cannot separately plunder a third.

Bierce is often lauded for his humanist perspective of the world…the major organised religions do not escape his critical eye:

Religions are “conclusions for which the facts of nature supply no major premises”

Faith: Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel.

He can be irreverent – “Christians and camels both receive their burdens kneeling”.

The Dictionary dishes up a smorgasbord of satirical, ironic and often bitter definitions of the world as seen by Ambrose Bierce (one of the acerbic writer’s nicknames was “Bitter Bierce”). But Bierce is of course a creature of his time with all the glaring faults and prejudices of the 19th century white man’s mindset. So, through the satire and cynicism we witness the less savoury traits and predisposition of the lexicographer. Casual assumptions of racism and misogyny run through the pages of The Devil’s Dictionary.

 Witch: A beautiful and attractive young woman, in wickedness a league beyond the devil.

Widows are depicted as “pathetic creatures”, whereas wives are dismissed as merely “bitter halves” (big surprise: Bierce was separated from his own wife). On occasions he crosses the line that even he should not have ventured, such as advocating or at the very least implying a violent impulse towards the female sex:

Bang: The arrangement of a woman’s hair which suggests the thought of shooting her.

The dreaded ‘N’ word is wheeled out in the cause superior of cynicism:

African: A nigger who votes our way.

And there is more than a hint of a general misanthropic disposition emerging from the pages of the Dictionary:

Birth: The first and direst of all disasters.

Marriage is the union of “two slaves”.

AB’s miscellany of hobby horses

Politicians and philosophers are on Bierce’s “hit list”, as are lawyers who get a predictable assessment:

Lawyer: One skilled in the circumvention of the law.

Liar: A lawyer with a roving commission.

Historians, in The Devil’s Dictionary are reduced to “broad-gauge gossips”, and ‘history’ is summarily pigeonholed as “mostly false (and) about unimportant events”.

Although he doesn’t specifically give medical students a definition entry, his regular references to them through the book might prompt one to conclude that their single defining feature is that of “grave-robbers”.

Places like New York City and specifically Wall Street are “dens of iniquity”, the sort of Biblical association Bierce employs to those things or entities representing (in his eyes) absolute evil.

Bierce’s idiosyncratic designation of ‘happiness’, as “an agreeable sensation arising from contemplating the misery of another” dovetails neatly to the definition of the German term Schadenfreude (substituting the word ‘perverse’ for ‘agreeable’ perhaps).

Bierce’s dictionary is also prone to outbursts of elitism – such as:

Laziness: Unwarranted repose of manner in a person of low degree.

Idiot: A member of a large and powerful tribe whose influence in human affairs has always been dominant and controlling (an ‘idiotocracy’ perhaps).

EndNote: Bierce’s cold trail
The mysterious disappearance of Bierce has fascinated interested parties for the hundred plus years since the author vanished in Mexico. Speculation has been wildly unrestrained and rampant as to the writer’s supposed end (eg, he hooked up with Mexican bandit leader Pancho Villa and he was killed by Federal troops, or by rebels, or by his own hand or by Villa himself). Novelists, playwrights and filmmakers have all had a go at unravelling the mystery, but the reality is that no one really knows what happened to Bierce [‘The Death of Bierce’, The Ambrose Bierce Appreciation Society, www.biercephile.com].


❅ Bierce defines ‘blackguard’ as an “inverted gentleman”, like a box of cherries that displays the fine ones on top but with the box “opened on the wrong side”

۞ except that Bierce’s ‘optimist’ is “a pessimist (who) applied to God for relief”

obsolete or not, it doesn’t stop AB from indulging in the device

it is not universally accepted that this most famous of Bierce-isms originated with Bierce himself, see for instance “The Ambrose Bierce Site”, www.donswain.com

for example see the entry for ‘story’

maybe overstated but Bierce was not fabricating a connection – “body snatching” for medical education was a very real and very lucrative activity at the time

Bierce tended to view different societal groups as tribal entities