A Logolept’s Diet of Obscure, Obsolete, Curious and Downright Odd “Z” Words

Meet the “Z” family of words…Zeta, Zelda, Zara, Zack, Zee and Zed

Z is the twenty-sixth and not-so-lucky last letter of the Latin alphabet, used in the modern English alphabet and other western European languages. It is most commonly pronounced zed, as used in international English. But in the US, and sometimes in Canadian and Caribbean English, the preference is for zee. A third, archaic variant pronounces the letter “Z” as izzard, whose usage today is confined to Hong Kong English and Cantonese. “Z” derives from the Greek letter zetareaching English via the customary pathway of Latin. The ancient Greek “Z” was a close copy of the Phoenician Zayin (I) (meaning “weapon” or “sword”). Around 300 BC, Roman censor Appius Claudius Caecus relegated the letter Z to the ancient history archives, striking it from the alphabet allegedly due to his distaste for the letter, owing to it “looking like the tongue of a corpse”🅐.

Zabernism: misuse or abuse of military authority; bullying [From the German name for Saverne, a town in Alsace involving a 1913 incident of an overzealous soldier who wounded a cobbler for laughing at him, ultimately triggering an intervention from the army who took over the power from local authorities]

Zaftig: having a full, rounded figure; pleasingly plump (esp of a woman) [Yiddish. zaftik, (“juicy” or “succulent”) from zaft, (“juice” or “sap”)]

🅐 a more likely explanation is that the “z” sound had disappeared from Latin at that time making the letter useless for spelling Latin words…a few centuries later it made a comeback to the A(to Z) team resuming its place as № 26

2 thoughts on “

A Logolept’s Diet of Obscure, Obsolete, Curious and Downright Odd “Z” Words

  1. At the risk of opening a can of Buddhist Zendom, for the Zs I’ll nominate zazen – seated meditation, ie, sitting in the lotus position and just letting thoughts, ideas, contemplation run free.

    1. Top of the season to you Henny. In the case of “zazen” probably would employ the rule of thumb: accept any word featuring in popular English usage (such as another z word, zeitgeist).

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