Just blogging away…doing the hard blog
Continuing the search for signs of Intelligent Life in the University.
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Occasional Episodic Contributor to “Just blogging away … doing the hard blog”
This is what keeps me awake at night!
WTF am I about?!?
A personal note from me to you (just you, nobody else!)
WHAT about me!?!
A Very Fast but Tardy Train in Dong-Bei: Waiting (and Waiting) for the G786 to Dandong
Bunking down in the Dalianbei ‘Hilton’
Sample Page
Take the Slow Train to Baihe and (hopefully) I’ll Meet you at the Station*
What I’m about …
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Daily Archives: May 28, 2014
Andes from the Inca Trail
The Andes
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